
четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.

Сегодня в 14 часов Официальное открытие "Адыгэ культурэм ия VI-рэ Дунэе фестиваль". Программа фестиваля.

Адыгеим ипащэ Тхьак1ущынэ Аслъан Урусуе Федерацэм Культурэм и1илъэс къыхиубытэу ти Республикэ щызэхэщэгъэ Адыгъэ Кульеукэм и яхэнэрэ Дунэе Фэстиваль гъуэгумаф ре1о...
Программа VI Международного фестиваля адыгской (черкесской) культуры
 (Текст в формате Word: скачать (download) [48 Kb]).
1 октября

12.00 – 16.00 Заезд и регистрация участников фестиваля (гостиницы: «Адыгеятурист», «Майкоп», «Версаль»; санаторий «Лаго-Наки»).

15.00 –21.00   Монтаж выставки национального костюма, работ мастеров ДПИ, НХП  (Государственная филармония РА).     

16.00 – 17.30   Встреча участников  фестиваля  по  традициям адыгского гостеприимства.
Посещение экспозиций музея и  выставки  работ профессиональных художников (Северо-Кавказский  филиал  Государственного музея  искусства  народов Востока).

16.00 – 19.00 Встреча с ведущими  актерами  Национального театра РА им. И. Цея. Показ художественных и научно-популярных фильмов об адыгской (черкесской) культуре (Развлекательный центр Джой Лэнд).

17.30 – 19.00 Пресс-конференция. Встреча  Министра  культуры РА, членов Оргкомитета с участниками фестиваля и представителями СМИ (Северо-Кавказский  филиал  Государственного музея  искусства  народов Востока).

19.00 – 20.00  Ужин (в местах проживания).

20.00–22.00  Концерт  профессиональных коллективов и отдельных исполнителей    (Государственная филармония РА).

2 октября

8.00 – 9.00   Завтрак (в местах проживания).

9.00 – 10.00   Репетиция Торжественного открытия фестиваля  (Государственная    филармония РА).
9.30 – 20.00   Выставка национального костюма,   работ мастеров ДПИ, НХП (Государственная филармония РА).   
10.30 – 11.00   Торжественное открытие фестиваля  (Государственная филармония РА).

11.00 – 20.00  Конкурсный просмотр программ участников фестиваля:
- исполнителей адыгской  народной песни;
- исполнителей  адыгских народных танцев;
- исполнителей  на народных  музыкальных инструментах.

12.00–13.00 Встреча руководителей делегаций с Главой Республики Адыгея А.К.Тхакушиновым (Зал заседаний Главы Республики Адыгея).

13.00 – 14.00   Обед (по мере высвобождения).

16.00 – 19.00 Встреча с ведущими актерами Национального театра РА им. И. Цея. Показ художественных и научно-популярных фильмов об адыгской (черкесской) культуре (Развлекательный центр Джой Лэнд).

18.00 – 19.00 Ужин (по мере высвобождения).  

20.00 – 22.00 Встреча в «Хьак1эщ» – «Традиционная народная культура» (мастер-класс) (Государственная филармония РА).

3 октября

8.00 – 9.00   Завтрак (в местах проживания).

9.00 – 12.00 Научно-практическая  конференция по теме:  «Адыги: взаимодействие и взаимообусловленность традиционной и профессиональной культуры» (Научная библиотека Адыгейского государственного университета). 

11.30-14.00  Выставка национального костюма,   работ мастеров ДПИ, НХП (Государственная филармония РА).
  Встреча с художником–модельером, заслуженным работником  культуры РА Ю.М.Сташ и  мастерами ДПИ, НХП  (Государственная филармония РА).

9.00 – 12.00 Репетиция Торжественного закрытия и  Гала–концерта фестиваля  (Концертный зал ГААНТА «Нальмэс»).

12.00 – 14.00   Торжественное собрание,  посвященное  Дню  образования Республики Адыгея. Праздничный концерт мастеров искусств РА и участников Международного фестиваля адыгской (черкесской) культуры  (Государственная филармония РА).

14.00 – 15.00  Обед (в местах проживания).

16.00 – 17.30  Выезд участников фестиваля в муниципальные образования городов и  районов  Республики  Адыгея.

16.00 – 19.00 Встреча с ведущими актерами Национального театра РА им. И. Цея. Показ художественных и научно-популярных фильмов об адыгской (черкесской) культуре (Развлекательный центр Джой Лэнд).

17.30 – 20.00    Встреча  с жителями МО городов и районов  РА.                      
     Совместные концерты на местах.

20.00 – 21.00    Ужин (в МО городов и районов РА).

4 октября

7.30 – 8.00     Завтрак (в местах проживания).

8.00 – 13.00   Выезд в горы. Экскурсия  на водопады  Руфабго и Хаджохскую теснину.
                     Концерт – встреча участников фестиваля с туристами.
9.00 – 12.00    Репетиция Торжественного закрытия и Гала–концерта фестиваля (Государственная филармония РА).

13.00 – 14.00      Обед (на природе).

14.00 – 15.00      Возвращение в места проживания.
15.00 – 16.00      Подготовка к  шествию.

15.00 – 20.00
    Выставка национального костюма,   работ мастеров ДПИ, НХП  (Государственная филармония РА).

16.00 –16.30      Костюмированное шествие участников фестиваля  по ул. Краснооктябрьской  (от Городского парка культуры и отдыха им.  М.Горького  до  Государственной филармонии РА).

16.30 – 17.30 Подготовка к  Гала–концерту (Государственная филармония РА).

17.30 –18.30  Церемония  награждения участников. Торжественное закрытие фестиваля (Государственная филармония РА).

18.30 – 20.30  Гала–концерт (Государственная филармония РА).

20.30 – 23.00  «Адыгэ джэгу» (выбор  самой красивой девушки)  (площадь  перед Государственной филармонией РА ).

23.00       Фейерверк.

23.30        Ужин (в местах  проживания).
5 октября

8.00 – 9.00          Завтрак(в местах проживания).

9.00 – 22.00        Участие в праздничных  торжествах,  посвященных  Дню образования  Республики Адыгея (пл. им. В.И.Ленина).

13.00 –14.00       Обед (в местах проживания).

13.00–16.00         Выставка национального костюма,   работ мастеров ДПИ, НХП  (Государственная филармония РА).

14.00 – 16.00      Пресс-конференция по итогам фестиваля (Государственная филармония РА).

19.00 – 20.00      Ужин (по мере высвобождения). 
6 октября

9.00–10.00          Завтрак (в местах проживания). 
Егъэблэгъэ тхылъ

Лъытэныгъэ зыфэтшIэу тилъэпкъэгъухэр!

Адыгэ Республикэм культурэмкIэ и Министерствэрэ Адыгэ Республикэм лъэпкъ культурэм и Гупчэрэ  Адыгэ культурэм и яхэнэрэ  Дунэе фестивалэу  чъэпыогъум и 1-м щегъэжьагъэу и 6-м нэс Адыгэ Республикэм икъэлэ шъхьаIэу Мыекъуапэ щызэхащэрэм  шъухэлэжьэнэу тигуапэу  шъукъетэгъэблагъэ. 

Чъэпыогъум и 2-м сыхь. 10-м Адыгэ Республикэм и Къэралыгъо филармоние фестивалыр къыщызэIуахыщт.

 Фестивалым шъузэрэхэлэжьэн шъулъэкIыщт шIыкIэ-амалхэр зэрыт тхыгъэу къыкIэлъыкIорэм нэIуасэ зыфэшъушI ыкIи шъукъеблагъ тихэку дышъэу шъузфэныкъоу адыгапсэмрэ  адыгэ лъапсэмрэ   зыдэщыIэхэм.   

Тхьэм хъяркIэ тызэIуегъакI!

ЗэхэщэкIо куп
11.00                   Отъезд участников  фестиваля.(download: скачать (download) [63 Kb])  
Regulations of the VI International Festival of the Adyghe (Circassian) Culture

The Ministry of culture of the Republic of Adygheya and the SBIC of the RA "The Center of folk culture of the Republic of Adygheya” within the framework of the implementation of events of the State programme of the Republic of Adygheya "Development of culture” for 2014-2018 and under the financial support of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, hold the International festival of the Adyghe (Circassian) culture from the 1st till the 6thof October of 2014 in the capital of the Republic of Adygheya – Maikop.

1. Aims and tasks of the festival: 

-          study and general revival of the traditional culture as a uniting beginning in the further development of spiritual culture of the people;
-          preservation and promotion of culture, folklore traditions, revealing of original performers of the Adyghe folk songs, folk dances, instrumental music, as well as masters of decorative and applied arts and folk art craft;
-          intensification of interest in own national origins, uniting of creative forces in realization of significance of the Adyghe culture as a part of worldwide one;
-          expansion of international, inter-regional cultural cooperation with foreign countries, subjects of the Russian Federation, where Adyghs-Circassians densely live.

The festival raises problems connected with the study of one’s own history, upbringing of younger generation in the spirit of the Adyghe etiquette, "Adyghe habze” and its attributes "adygage” that play an important role in the revival of folk traditions, distinctive moral - ethical and moral - aesthetic values.

2. Order, terms and conditions of the holding of the festival. 

The festival takes place in two stages.
Stage 1 – on places (countries, subjects of the Russian Federation) - until the 25th of August of 2014.
Stage 2 - the final one - in the capital of the Republic of Adygheya - Maikop from the 1st of October till the 6th of October of 2014.

Quota of participants from countries, subjects of the RF -  is not more than 15 people, including heads and drivers. An excess of the quota – at the expense of the directing side.
Separate applicants – at the expense of their own money.

To organize within the framework of the festival an exhibition of works of visual arts, decorative and applied arts and folk art craft it is recommended that participants should have exhibits from each subject of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Delegations - representatives of foreign countries and subjects of the Russian Federation must have National flags of countries and subjects they represent.

Age of participants – from 14 years old and older.

Within the framework of the festival there are the following nominations:

• "Singing”

 Each participant performs 2 works: a folk song and a song of a modern author with orchestral accompaniment or a phonogram (minus one) or without accompaniment "a capella” with or without a microphone. Total sounding time of each musical work must not be more than 4 minutes.

• "Choreography” (folk dance, folk stage dance).

Participants perform optionally 2 folk or folk stage dances "Zefaku", "Kafe", "Zygelat", "Islamyi", "Scheschen", "Leperyshu", "Udzh" etc., as well as dances of the foreign Adyghe diaspora based on dancing folklore and local performing traditions. Duration of dance works must be not more than 4 minutes.

• "Folk instruments”

Participants demonstrate virtuosity of play on the Adyghe (Circassian) musical instruments: - - pschyne – Adyghe (Circassian accordion) diatonic or chromatic accordion;
      - shychepschyn, upepschyn, epepschyn, pschynetarku, pschynekeb;
      - kamyl, bzhemyi, syryn, etc.

In the programme of the performance must sound folk musical-instrumental melodies, tunes, as well as modern instrumental works in orchestral, ensemble and solo performance.
It is recommended that in ensembles, orchestras there should be percussion instruments: phekych (ratchet), shondyryb (doul) and others; using of traditional backup singing, "zhyu" - traditional backing vocals, backup dancing as well as clapping.

Duration of a work sounding must be not more than 5 minutes.

All participants must have a phonogram-plus on the flash card for use in the festival events outdoors. The medium must include a name of the work and a name, surname and patronymic of a participant.

The main activities of the festival:

October 1

Till 16.00   Arrival, registration. Meeting of participants according to the traditions of the Adyghe hospitality.

16.00-19.00   Meeting with the leading actors of the National theatre of the RA of I. Tsey. Showing of feature and scientific - popular films about the Adyghe (Circassian) culture.

17.30-19.00  Press-conference. Meeting of the minister of culture of the RA, members of the organizing committee with participants of the festival and mass media representatives.

October 2

9.30 Exhibition of works of visual arts, decorative and applied arts and folk art craft.

10.00 Solemn opening of the festival. Viewing of competition programmes.

12.00-13.00 Meeting of heads of delegations with the Head of the Republic of Adygheya A. K. Tkhakushinov.

October 3

9.00-12.00  Scientific-practical conference.

12.00-14.00  Solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of formation of the Republic of Adygheya. A gala concert of masters of arts of the RA and participants of the International festival of the Adyghe (Circassian) culture.

15.00-16.30        Departure of festival participants to municipalities of cities and areas of the Republic of Adygheya.

16.00-19.00  Meeting with the leading actors of the National theatre of the RA of I. Tsey. Showing of feature and scientific - popular films about the Adyghe (Circassian) culture.

October 4

8.00-13.00 Departure to the mountains. Excursion to the waterfalls Rufabgo and Khadzhokh gorge.

16.00-16.30 Costume parade of participants of the festival.

17.30-18.30 Ceremony of award of participants. Solemn closing of the festival.

18.30-20.30 Gala concert.

20.30-23.00 "Adyghe djegu” (choosing of the most beautiful girl).

October 5

9.00-22.00 Participation in festive events dedicated to the Day of formation of the Republic of Adygheya.

14.00-16.00 Press-conference on the results of the festival.

October 6

11.00 Departure of participants of the festival.

4. The organizing committee of the festival.

The organizing committee provides general management of the festival. It consists of bright representatives of bodies of culture, science and education.
The organizing committee is engaged in the preparation and holding of the festival, defines the advertising, budget of the festival and controls it.
The organizing committee has the right to make changes, additions to these Regulations.
The organizing committee has the exclusive rights to the photos and video and printed materials prepared by the order within the framework of organization and holding of the festival, including editing on its own. It also reserves the right to give scientific-informational material to mass media.

5. Festival jury.

To determine winners in each competition nomination of the festival the organizing committee forms jury consisting of qualified, authoritative figures of culture and art of the RA, foreign countries, subjects of the Russian Federation.
The international jury for each nomination works out technology of assessment of performers of creative teams on the following criteria:
• performance art, nature and manner of following performing traditions of folk culture;
• nature and virtuosity of sound production, the integrity of the melodic line;
• technique of show of the sound space in instrumental tunes, melodies (beginning, middle, end);
• compliance of music material with dance work;
• knowledge and keeping of peculiarities of the Adyghe traditional performing culture: song, dance, instrumental ones;
• staging of dance work, choreography and scenography (set design);
• originality, authenticity of the work performed, manner, character of performing, presence of costumes.

6. Awarding of participants of the festival:

• Participants of the festival are awarded the titles – "laureate”, "diploma"(winner of a prize) of the festival in each competition nomination, as well as special prizes and memorable gifts.
• The jury of the festival, shareholders, public organizations and enterprises can establish special additional nominations and prizes.
• A number that causes highest unanimous approval of the jury and the public (regardless of genre) will be awarded a Grand Prix diploma.

7. Organizational questions:

To participate in the VI International festival of the Adyghe (Circassian) culture one should send the under mentioned information to the e-mail address of the SBIC of the RA "The Center of folk culture of the Republic of Adygheya”: E-mail: cnk-ra01@rambler.ru  before September 1, 2014:
- Application form on the attached form;
- A detailed list of the number of members coming, with the name, surname and patronymic  (no abbreviations), passport data (date, place of birth), position, regalia, gender (male, female), contact phone numbers, address of residence; for accompanying heads of delegations - e-mail address;
- Xerocopy of birth certificate, passport, pension certificate;
- Brief reference, 1-2 photos of the team, a participant (for inclusion in the festival booklet).
- Date, time and place of arrival, type of transport (series, number).

Arrival of participants of the festival is in October 1, 2014.

Financial matters: travel to the Republic of Adygheya (Maikop) and back – at the expense of the sending (directing) side.
Staying at the festival, including accommodation, meals, transportation costs, medical service – at the expense of the festival organizers.

Departure of participants takes place in October 6, 2014.


to participate in the VI International Festival of the Adyghe (Circassian) culture.

1. The sending side: country, subject of the Russian Federation, city, area (contact, work and mobile phones, E-mail address)


2. Name of nomination    _______________________

3. Name of the work (authors) _________________________________,

duration of sounding___________

4. Name, surname, patronymic of a performer (without abbreviations), date of birth, full age, gender (female), (male) __________________________________________________


5. Complete name of the group. Age of participants of the group from ________ to_________years, number (female) ______ (male) ____

6. Name, surname, patronymic of a head(s) of the group, a participant. Tel.:

work______________________home________________mobile ________________________

7.Name, surname, patronymic of an accompanist


8. Form of performance ("a capella», with orchestral accompaniment or phonogram (minus) ___________________________________________________________________________


9. Presence of phonograms (yes / no, CD, mini-disc) ______________________________


10. Number of accompanying people (including managers, drivers) _________, among them (female) ______ (male) ______

11. Name, surname, patronymic and position of a head(s) of a delegation (without abbreviation) ___________________________________________________________________________


(put down mobile number and email address) _________________________________________


12. Name, surname, patronymic of a participant of the scientific-practical conference (without abbreviation and indicating position, regalia, theses of speech) ___________________________________________________________________________



"_______" ____________________ 2014

__________________________________                                            (Signature of a head
of the sending organization)
                                                                                                         Stamp here

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